Solids Handling
Pumping liquids is not the only job of a pump. In many applications, the pump must also deal with a variety of solids – from diapers and wipes in sewage to a wide range of debris (commonly referred to as “trash”) in slurries – to reach its specified service life. Stancor™ offers a number of pump models to help our customers balance cost efficiency and performance when dealing with a mixture of solids and liquids. This portfolio of pumps can handle solids as large as 3 inches while maintaining key performance specifications.
Removing water from construction and mining sites can be demanding. Stancor™ manufactures a broad line of MSHA approved explosion-proof pumps to handle the rigors of difficult operating environments. Pumps are constructed from light weight alloys, including extensive use of stainless steel components for longer life. Rubber clad diffusors are utilized to extend life and maintain efficiency by making field adjustments easy. Stancor™ also provides the longest cable lengths in the industry and MSHA-approved controls to further maximize service life. Dewatering pumps are available in 115, 230, 460, 575 and 950 volts and are made in the USA.

Av. 100 metros N° 76
Col. Panamericana
Ciudad de México
C.P. 07770
Oficina de ventas
(55) 55 72 61 24 38
Oficinas México
(55) 55 67 38 35
Oficina Aguascalientes
(449) 194 82 08